Energy security in the context of renewable energy sources.
Throughout the history of mankind, the energy sector has been one of the key factors in the existence and development of the state. Without sufficient energy resources, it was impossible to operate any enterprises, have an army and conduct military operations, as well as carry out normal life activities of the population. Taking into account the importance of the availability and rational consumption of energy, a UN resolution was adopted in 1960, which stated the need to respect the rights of each state to dispose of its energy resources exactly as it sees fit, and there is also a UN General Assembly resolution of 1962, which confirms the sovereign right of the people to resources and their rational use in the interests of the state. It can be said that it was these documents that laid the foundation for the modern concept of "energobezopansot".
The energy security of the state in the 21st century has not only not lost its relevance, but has also expanded its concept and milestones of development for decades to come. So, today experts cannot come to a common point of view and derive definitions of EB, however, using various strategies for sustainable energy development and reports of the World Energy Council (MEA), it can be assumed that this concept includes. According to the MEA, energy security is the ability of the state and, as a result, the government apparatus to cover all the needs of the population in the matter of energy resources, as well as to respond in a timely and effective manner to the occurrence of any possible interruptions in the supply of electricity or fuel. In the 21st century, energy security is realized not only at the expense of the internal capabilities of the state, but also through stable partnership with regional powers. For the successful functioning of this sector, it is necessary to rationally differentiate the incoming flows of energy resources, as well as to develop ways of generating electricity within the country. Today, for those regions that are not rich in minerals, an opportunity is provided in the form of renewable energy sources (RES): WPP, SES, HPP or NPP. For better functioning and understanding of what types of energy sources to develop, there is a "green square" scheme presented by ROSATOM back in 2015 at the international climate conference, there are four main types of renewable energy sources that need to be paid attention to in the process of "green transition", SES and WPP are at the top of the "square", so as with the conditions of modern development of these areas, they can only provide peak load, while hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants are responsible for the main amount of electricity generated, which is why they are located at the bottom and form a kind of basis. That is why, in order to ensure the energy security of the state, which is not based on natural resources, the most logical and stable option is nuclear power plants, which in different countries cover from 15% to 70% of the electricity consumed.
There are three main concepts that are taken into account when assessing the energy development and stability of the state: energy security, accessibility and environmental sustainability. "Accessibility" refers to the ability of the state to correctly differentiate the flows of energy resources to ensure stable life of the population within the country, an equally important aspect in this direction is the pricing of fuel and electricity. The third aspect, which will play a key role in the near future, is "environmental sustainability", which evaluates the distribution of energy received from fossil fuels and from renewable energy sources. The trends that are being traced today show that most developed regions of the world are striving for carbon neutrality through the transformation of energy production methods. Already today, a number of countries have announced their intentions to abandon fossil resources in favor of renewable energy sources. Thus, states in which energy supply is tied to oil, methane, coal and other similar fuels may be in danger, and the population may be left without an adequate level of electricity supply. That is why it is necessary to take certain steps in advance to diversify energy production and energy consumption.
20 June

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